Tuesday, September 15, 2015

514 - Rockhampton

Rockhampton post office is 100 km north west of Gladstone. The duplex canceller was a replacement canceller in use from 1895 onwards. There are 4 types and all are rated common.
  • Sideface Duplex type 1 with an unframed datestamp 24.5 mm in diameter with a short horizontal stroke each side and the obliterator portion of the canceller comprising 35 solid rays is rated common. Code numbers 1, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 have been seen so far. Seen from April 1894 - July 1896
  • Sideface Duplex type 2. This unframed datestamp was subsequently recut with a shortened tail of the Q and larger letters. Code numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 have been seen so far. Seen from August 1896 - 9 August 1899
  • Sideface Duplex type 3 with an unframed datestamp 23.5 mm in diameter with small crosses each side and the obliterator portion of the canceller comprising 40 solid rays is rated common. Time code. Seen from August 1901 - 14 September 1909
  • Sideface Duplex type 4 with a framed circle datestamp datestamp 26 mm in diameter with small crosses each side each side and the obliterator portion of the canceller comprising 40 solid rays is rated common. Time code. Seen from 3 February 1903 - September 1908

L-R; Type 1, Type 3, Type 4

Rockhampton date stamps HERERockhampton instructional markings HERERockhampton 102 HERE. Rockhampton 201 duplex HERERockhampton 201 HERE Rockhampton 201 on NSW stamps HERE. Rockhampton 201 roller cancel HERERockhampton 308 HERE. Rockhampton 391 HERERockhampton 431 HERERockhampton 447 HERE. Rockhampton 448 HERE. Rockhampton duplex 473 HERE. Rockhampton duplex 509 HERE. Rockhampton duplex 583 HERERockhampton registered HERE. Rockhampton manuscript HERE

Sideface Duplex type 1

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 27 April 1894

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 9 May 1894. Seen on Ebay

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 25 June 1894

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 17 December 1894. Seen on Ebay


Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 7 February 1895

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 4 March 1895. Seen in a private collection (Code 5?)

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 Code 5 rated common. Dated 8 March 1895

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 Code 5 rated common. Dated 21 May 1895

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 27 August 1895

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 17 October 1895

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 27 November 1895

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 5 December 1895. Seen on Ebay

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 24 December 1895. Seen on Ebay

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 Code5 rated common. Dated 5 January 1896

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 Code 7 rated common. Dated 27 February 1896. Seen on Ebay

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 12 May 1896

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 21 May 1896

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 17 June 1896

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 11 December 1896

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 1 rated common. Dated 1896

Sideface Duplex type 2
Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 6 rated common. Dated 16 February 1897

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 2 rated common. Dated 26 March 1897. Seen on Ebay

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 2 rated common. Dated 20 April 1897. Seen on Delcampe

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 2 rated common. Dated 1 January 1898

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 2 rated common. Dated 15 February 1898

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 2 Code 7 rated common. Dated 2 April 1898

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 2 rated common. Dated 4 April 1898. Seen at Stamp auctions

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 2 Code 7 rated common. Dated 29 June 1898


Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 2 rated common. Dated 15 February 1899

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 2 rated common. Dated 7 May 1899. Seen in a private collection

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 2 rated common. Dated 9 August 1899. Seen in the collection of Dr Andrew Mortlock

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 2 Code 7 rated common. Dated 28 December 1899

Sideface Duplex type 3
Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 3 rated common. Dated 23 August 1901

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 3 rated common. Dated 19 February 1904


Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 3 rated common. Dated January 1906

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 3 rated common. Dated 2 July 1906

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 3 rated common. Dated 27 August 1906. Seen on Ebay

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 3 rated common. Dated September 1906

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 3 rated common. Dated 24 December 1906. Seen on Ebay

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 3 rated common. Dated 11 June 1907

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 3 rated common. Dated 23 October 1907. Seen on Ebay


Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 3 rated common. Dated 14 September 1909

Sideface Duplex type 4
Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 4 rated common. Dated 3 February 1903. Seen on Ebay

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 4 rated common. Dated 7 August 1903

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 4 rated common. Dated 2 February 1904


Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 4 rated common. Dated 15 February 1905. Seen on Ebay

Sideface Duplex type 4 - Datestamp potion only
Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 4 rated common. Dated 6 August 1903. Seen on Ebay. Datestamp portion only

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 4 rated common. Dated 11 September 1903. Datestamp portion only

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 4 rated common. Dated 23 September 1903. Datestamp portion only

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 4 rated common. Dated 16 October 1903. Datestamp portion only. Seen in a private collection

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex type 4 rated common. Dated 10 November 1903. Datestamp portion only

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