Friday, July 17, 2015

509 - Rockhampton

Rockhampton post office, 100 km north west of Gladstone, used as a replacement canceller from 31 December 1892 to 1896. They appear to have either time or date codes, numerals 2, 3 and 5 having been seen so far. There appear to be two types, one with a 2 figure year (with codes) and one with the year in four figures.
  • Sideface Duplex (4 mm) (29 rays) is rated Rare
Rockhampton date stamps HERE. Rockhampton 102 HERE. Rockhampton 201 duplex HERE. Rockhampton 201 HERE Rockhampton 201 on NSW stamps HERE. Rockhampton 201 roller cancel HERERockhampton 308 HERE. Rockhampton 391 HERERockhampton 431 HERE. Rockhampton 447 HERE. Rockhampton 448 HERE. Rockhampton duplex 473 HERE. Rockhampton instructional markings HERE. Rockhampton duplex 514 HERE. Rockhampton duplex 583 HERE. Rockhampton registered HERE. Rockhampton manuscript HERE

Boompa railway station, 16 km south east of Biggenden, rectangular railway numeral canceller is rated 5R. For more information on the use of railway numeral cancellers, see here

Rockhampton duplex

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex rated Rare

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex rated Rare. Dated 28 January 1896

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex rated Rare

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex rated Rare. Code 2. Dated 11 February 1896

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex rated Rare

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex rated Rare

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex rated Rare

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex rated Rare. Code 3. Dated 21 May 1894. Seen in a private collection

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex rated Rare. Code 5. Dated  March 1896

Rockhampton Sideface Duplex rated Rare. Code 2. Dated 23 February 1896


Boompa rectangular railway numeral canceller rated 5R. Seen on Stampboards

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